

“If the identification of Madagascar with the djazyrat al-kamar/al-komr of Arab geographers does not seemdoubtful to me, the origin of the name given to the large African island remains unexplained. The alternationkamar/komr obviously brings to mind the identically alternate name "from the mountain to the sources of the Nile". It seems that the toponomastic coincidence is not fortuitous: djabal al-kamar/al-komr presents a perfect parallelism with djazyrat al-kamar/al-komr. This comparison is curious, interesting; but in the state of our knowledge, it would be premature, I believe, to exaggerate its importance and to adopt the formula djabal al-kamar-komr/djazirat al-kamar-komr, that is to say, to trace the name of the island komr to that of the legendary African mountain”.

G. Ferrand 1907, p. 530-531